Madison is somewhere around 10lbs now, she holds her head up (just the occasional floppy moment here and there), does push-ups when she's on our chest or doing tummy time, has rolled to her side a few times, has been smiling on request since her due date (10 weeks old - or zero days old if you go by corrected age). She's learning she has a voice and has been making funny noises at us the past few days. We're looking forward to her being able to really coo and "talk" to us. She's even had a few times where she was doing a big grin and then made laughing noises... still not a full on laugh, but I think she will figure that out soon.
She still has trouble feeding/eating, but keeps the majority of her food down and is able to gain weight well. And we're sooo looking forward to the day that she is sleeping through the night!! Although the preemie books state that could be until she's 8 or 9 months old - geesh!
Just when we think we couldn't love her any more than we already do, she'll do one of her big silly girl grins at us and we melt.
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